Mushroom and chickpea pie

Recipe adapted from this one by the Every Day Gourmet TV, available also in YouTube.


  • About 400g varied mushrooms, diced
  • 1 small white onion, finely diced
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 tea spoon of sugar
  • 3 table spoons of olive oil
  • 2 table spools of flour
  • 1 cup of red wine
  • 1/3 vegetable broth cube
  • A loaf of fresh puff pastry


  • Fry on a medium heat the onion and garlic for about 5 min.
  • Once it starts to get caramelize, add the sugar, mix and cook for other 3-5 min.
  • Mix in the mushroms. Add salt and pepper. You may need to add some oil.
  • Cook until mushrooms release most of the liquid.
  • Add one table spool of flour, mix and cook it well into the mushrooms.
  • Add the wine and cook it until most is evaporated and the filling as a creamy look.
  • Take out the mixture and let it cool in a glass or ceramic dish.
  • Cut out the pastry so it is 2cm larger than the size of the dish on all sides.
  • Cover the dish with the pastry, folding and rounding out the borders.
  • With the tip of a knife, make some lattice drawings on top of the pastry, to make it look more interesting.
  • Cook the pie in the oven until the top look well done. Take care because some of the folds may take longer to cook than it looks from the outside.
  • Take it out and let it cool down a bit. Cut and enjoy.

Mushroom and chickpea pie 2.jpg

Figure 1: Pub food tastes good!

Mushroom and chickpea pie 4.jpg

Figure 2: The final product

Mushroom and chickpea pie 1.jpg

Figure 3: Most of the ingredients

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Figure 4: Dish covered.